Hyper Casual Game Design Document (GDD) v0.1

Product Lobster
1 min readDec 10, 2021

This is it ladies and gents! The version 0.1 is here:

TL;TR: You can skip directly to the final checklist section of the GDD.

It took me a (tiny?) bit longer than I anticipated and the fact that I am involved in several projects added insult to injury.

Truth be told, this is not a traditional game design document. It is more like a step by step process on how to make a successful hyper casual game. I will try to add more content along the way and your feedback of course. (You can directly comment on the that notion document so bring it on!).

This document exceeded by far my original scope, but as I started putting things together, I always saw another opportunity to share more of my experience on every corner. I have failed far too many times so you can say I am… experienced.

Let me know if that helped you! I would appreciate that a lot.



Product Lobster

Lobster talking all things products, games, productivity.